The world’s most exciting Hotels for all your travels.
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- Anjuna
- Capital O 10984 Lagom Comfort
Capital O 10984 Lagom Comfort
Catch all the action in Goa while you enjoy a comfortable stay at the centrally located Capital O 10984 Lagom Comfort. For any kind of assistance you need in relation to your stay, our skilled and friendly staff is just a call away. Facilities Designed per the needs of a contemporary traveller, you can find all the amenities such as Swimming Pool, AC, Pre Book Meals to your comfort. Apart from the comfort amenities, OYO also ensures to offer you the best safety facilities. We have round-the-clock availability of professional security, first-aid and fire extinguisher. Apart from this, we also have a 24-hour helpdesk to resolve all your queries. Be it a leaking shower or an unclean bedsheet, were happy to help you with all your problems.