Enotel Baia do Sol, Faial
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Enotel Baia do Sol


This charming hotel is situated directly beside the sea on the south coast of Madeira, just 50 m from the wonderful beach. From its cosy rooms guests can enjoy stunning view over the crystal blue Atlantic as well as of the picturesque village of Ponta do Sol. The surrounding area houses a number of shopping facilities and entertainment venues, while the coffee shops and bars that line the promenade are the perfect final destination for a leisurely evening stroll. The venue itself also boasts an air-conditioned restaurant with a spacious terrace where one can sample delicious seafood, sip white wine and enjoy the mesmerizing views and the soothing breezes. When the weather isn't that great the venue has its guest's well-being taken care off with the heated indoor swimming pool and the massage services it offers.

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