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Why list your property on Clevertrip?



Your Property will be available



Easy Bookings

Millions of Travelers will book

your Property Easily.


Fast Profit

Maximize your profit and get

the exposure you need.




Why list your property on Clevertrip?



Your Property will be available

Easy Bookings

Millions of Travelers will book 
your Property Easily.

Fast Profit

Maximize your profit and
the exposure you need.




Property Types


3 Steps to list your Property


List your place for free

Sign up for free to share any Accommodation you



We will help you choose your schedule, prices
and requirements to book your place.


Start Earning

Start earning profit as soon as your property 
go live!




3 Steps to list your Property


List your place for free

Sign up for free to
share any Accommodation you want.


We will help you choose your schedule, pricesand requirements to book your place.

Start Earning

Start earning profit as soon as your property go live!



Payment Method


Choose the price you want

Depending on the area and the features of your
place you can pick the suitable price for you.


Our commission

Signing-up is free.
Clevertrip charges hosts a specific profit per reservation.


Get Paid back instantly

Directly after we get paid by the guest,
your share is immediately sent to you.



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